
政策 & 程序

The Office of 人力资源 has developed a web-based 政策 and 程序 Manual for the benefit of SCSU campus constituencies. The web-based manual is intended to provide specific information and guidance on the application of administrative decisions and SCSU policies on the day-to-day activities of faculty and staff. It is our hope that the web-based manual will foster more consistent application of these administrative decisions and SCSU policies and procedures, which we believe will benefit all SCSU employees. 另外, we wanted to establish accessible information in one location with appropriate links to 明尼苏达州 and MMB websites.

Because the web-based manual is the product of the Office of 人力资源 and not the collective bargaining process, it is not intended to be inconsistent with or contradict the various collective bargaining agreements applicable to SCSU employees. Please be aware that SCSU, like all institutions may, 不时地, change its policies and procedures. The SCSU Office of 人力资源 will update the web-based manual as necessary to reflect such changes. Notice to employees of changes in SCSU policies and procedures may all be given by other means, e.g., special announcements, newsletters, and general correspondences.


(320) 308-3203
