St. Cloud State University Policies & 程序

Policy Development and Review Process

The policy development process is established as a framework for proposal, development, implementation, 审查, and archive of St. Cloud State University policy and procedure. As this policy development process is implemented over time, 政策办公室的目标是提出所有的政策和程序, 起草, 综述了, 修改后的, maintained, 发表, 并存档于政策文件管理系统(也称为PDMS或政策中心). Once a unit, 部门, department, 或项目的政策已纳入此流程并上传到PDMS, 必须使用PDMS为该组开发未来的策略或对现有策略的修订. 单位, 分歧, 未纳入新的PDMS流程的部门或项目可以继续制定与过去实践一致的政策和程序, appropriate to their responsibilities, and in accordance with the established Policy Hierarchy.

Policy and Procedure

制定政策和程序,以指导大学与其组成部分和社区成员之间的互动. Policies are written statements that translate the university’s mission, 将价值观和义务转化为日常行动,向大学社区明确其成员应负责的行为. University policies exist within a broader legal environment (看到 Understanding the Policy Hierarchy section below).

程序 are written statements of specific processes to implement policy. 程序 bridge the gap between policy and practice. St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城可能会制定书面程序来实施自己的政策, Minnesota State policy, state or federal law, or contractual obligations.

Understanding the Policy Hierarchy

Policies at each level of the policy hierarchy shall comply with the laws or policies at all levels above it. To maintain consistency and uniform application, policy should be developed and applied at the broadest institutional level. 在圣. Cloud State University, 指定政策类型为“所有大学”的政策将提供最广泛的实施水平. 在提出一项政策时,首先要确定该政策是否可以或应该写成一项全校政策. 

部门或单位的特殊情况或特定要求可以在所有大学的政策或程序中作为例外,并且应该尽可能. For example, 学生参与和医疗咨询程序被归类为所有大学, 但海外教育医疗问题有一个例外,它有涉及国际研究中心的具体要求. 

When it is not possible to capture the necessary exception within an All University policy because it is too detailed or the policy is only applicable to a specific department or group of departments; Departmental, 只要功能单元和特定于单元的策略符合层次结构上层的所有策略或法律,就可以开发这些策略.

Overview of Development Process 

A visual snapshot of the policy and procedure process can bee 看到n in the Policy Process Flow Chart (pdf) and is described in further detail below:

  • 当在PDMS中收到提案时,策略办公室将对其内容进行审查. 可能需要从提议者那里收集关于内容的额外信息, by getting input from those with expertise, or through general research.
  • Once the rationale, 范围, and basic concept of the proposal are outlined, the policy office, consulting the President as needed, determines if the proposal should be developed further.
  • 如果确定该提案根本不会向前推进,或直到较晚的日期才会向前推进, 策略团队的一名成员将在PDMS中输入适当的拒绝理由.
  • If a proposal moves forward, and there is a need for urgent implementation, 总统可以授权加快程序,但可能不包括以下所有步骤. When urgent implementation is not required, 策略团队确定适当的策略类型,并推荐一个协作小组来进行策略开发. 对于确定为学术性质的政策,这可能是学术政策工作组.
  • The collaborative working group, sometimes referred to as stakeholders, may research best practices, 审查 peer policies, consult legal or other experts, 并将制定政策草案和任何其他相关文件,如程序, guidelines, 和形式.
  • 当协作工作组确定提议的草案已发展到适当水平时,将由政策小组成员或负责大学官员或指定人员提交校长作出决定. The President may consult with others prior to determining next steps. 
  • 一旦主席确定提议的草案已经充分发展,一般将公开分享(包括与集体谈判单位)以征求意见. 由于联邦法规或其他法律要求而实施的政策通常不会公开发表评论.
  • At the end of the 4 week public comment period, all comments and concerns will be 综述了 and, if necessary or appropriate, the draft will be amended. Subsequent drafts are returned to the President for 审查. Once no further drafting is needed, the President will approve the policy.
  • 草案经总统批准后,将作为一项政策公开分享并以电子方式发布.

Overview of Review and Maintenance Process

  • When policy documents are approved and adopted a 审查 schedule is established.
  • When a policy or associated document is scheduled for 审查, 或者确定策略需要在计划的审查日期之外进行审查, the Policy Office will notify the Responsible University Officer. If only minor revisions are required, 政策办公室有权随时修改政策,而无需通知大学负责人或通过完整的修改程序, comment period, and public sharing as described below.
  • 负责的大学官员将决定是否需要修改,或者决定在此审查周期内不需要更改.
  • If it is determined that no changes are necessary, a new 审查 date is set.
  • If revisions are recommended, the Responsible University Officer and a collaborative working group, 通常包括策略所有者和最后处理该策略的贡献者, will draft the needed changes.
  • 当协作工作组确定拟议的修订已发展到适当水平时,将由政策小组成员或负责大学官员或指定人员向校长提交草案,以作出决定. The President may consult with others prior to determining next steps. 
  • 当总统确定拟议的修订草案得到充分发展时,政策草案通常会公开分享(包括与集体谈判单位)以征求意见.
  • If a 综述了 policy is shared for public comment, at the end of the 4 week public comment period, all comments and concerns will be 综述了 and, if necessary or appropriate, the draft will be amended. Subsequent drafts are returned to the President for 审查. 一旦不需要进一步起草,总统将批准修改后的政策.
  • 当修订得到总统批准后,政策通常会公开发布,并以电子方式发布,取代之前的版本.
  • The previous version will be archived within the PDMS.

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